Rob’s first look at Water Mirror

Rob at Water Mirror

Water Mirror first look by our Director of Creative Design, Rob Mikula

When we look at a water feature, or most things in life for that matter, we don’t realize or even consider all that was involved to create it. That is likely the case for all the millions of visitors of Expo 2020 Dubai as they walked by this feature called Water Mirror. That wasn’t what happened for our Director of Creative Design, Rob Mikula, seeing the water feature that he and our team started designing about three years ago. 

As Rob works out of our Toronto office, and hadn’t visited the Expo 2020 Dubai site until the last month of the event, finally seeing Water Mirror left him speechless–which for Rob, is unusual to say the least! 

From concept and design all the way to finished feature, what you see in this video didn’t happen without its challenges. Working with key partners; Asif Khan Studio, Aecom, 20K Group made so much of it possible, while our own MENA team worked tirelessly to commission the feature, and work within constraints that weren’t on the original plans like 60 degree temps in the control rooms and onsite overnight work once Expo opened in October.

While the challenges teach us so much, working to fulfill a vision that includes innovation and never-been-done-before technology, there’s something about watching Rob in the last 20 seconds of this video that somehow made it all worthwhile. 

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